Saturday, November 10, 2012

Seven exercises working on Lift the arms...part 1

Seven exercises working on Lift the arms quickly and it takes only 30 minutes a day. The first exercise: the pressure on the shoulders
Seek the help of Baldmbalz exercise and you can replace it by tow Plastic bottle water , then Stand straight tight textures with your legs slightly open. Carry Dambalz with arms bent to be at the level of your shoulders, then to higher with pull for almost a second, then back to the first mode for about three seconds, repeat this exercise six to eight times Exercise II: rotation arms
Stand up straight and then bend your knees slightly so that the top half of your body slightly forward, Hold Baldmbalz and one of your arms and let the right so that the forearm is parallel to the ground, then lift your right arm behind so as to be quite tight. Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times with both arms. Exercise Three:
This exercise is based on balancing the ball sports, put the upper part of your body on the ball with consideration to the ceiling of the room and bend the legs at right angles, Hold a small ball and put your arms with higher pulling, then back with stretcht. This exercise helps to lift the arms, and strengthen the muscles of the back and the legs and buttocks area. Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times. .........look at part 2

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